Also because of the state titles we are only running one school holiday sailing camp and instead of our normal mon/tue we will be changing to tue2 and wed3 of july same times just different days .
Membership is due from the 1/7/24 and if you didnt receive a renewal form via email pleas just let us know or drop into the sailing office and pick up a copy to complete and return. All membership and storage prices are the same as last year and the fees can be paid by card or direct debit , dont forget no membership no Australian Sailing Insurance ?
We had a few of the regulars back with quinn and hayden in early and we even had a new sailor in Levi giving it a go . As usual the assistants were here as well and we even had Halle up in front of the class for the first time showing the days course .
Charlie was in charge on water and the AI,s were in charge on the beach so I had the chance to not get wet for once and I took it as yes its getting cold .
Conditions were great with a light westerly blowing probably around 4 knots so everyone had a perfect chance to practice tacking and gybing and generally cruising around . Quinn was practicing her roll tacks which help the battens pop on the bic while Hayden in the Tera wanted to start the process of advancing to 10.30 youth training . He found it difficult at first as we set him a upwind challenge which he did struggle with at first but after a few tips from charlie he started to sail the right angle to the wind , we will have to see what the conditions are like next weekend to give him a go at correct course to the wind sounds easy but especially not in a westerly.!
Everyone had a great morning and we even ran a bit over time just to give everyone the best experience .
10.30 am Youth Training
We had a new sailor join the group who already sails bic and her name is Libby and yes she is a good sailor , she looked a little bit lost at the briefing but soon had it down pat once she hit the water . Charlie and Mike decided to do some pumping practice and trigger pulls ? if you dont know what trigger pulls are you should drop done on sundays around 11am and watch the team practice . Suffice to say its to do with start lines and getting a good start in the middle of a fleet. The pumping section which in certain circumstances is illegal is also good for practicing boat skills in general and as the breeze went from 6 knots to zero just like that it was helpful in getting everyone back to shore well except for Jack who went for a drift under the bridge but charlie went down and coached him back through and yes pumping was involved . Once the Open Bic States is complete this group will start racing every second weekend rather than every fourth weekend and we hopefully will also have a couple of 4.7 lasers out there as well to keep Zach company .
Open Bic Skiff States 28-30 june
Gold Coast Marathon 6/7/24
CU on the water
J Murphy