Volunteering is the life blood for Paradise Point Sailing Club because without this invaluable help no matter what form it may take it all helps your club not only survive but it also helps you and me help all the children and adults learn more about the sport through our combined knowledge and experience .
Even if you don't have any sailing experience just supporting the club that supports your children and family is very helpful in the clubs overall future .
To support the club even if its only for a couple of hours a month it helps take the load off the shoulders of our present group of volunteers.
Volunteering can take the form of either on water or on land help with such things as helping the juniors rigg and de-rigg , launch and retrieve boats and helping the canteen staff who generate much needed funds through their efforts in the canteen.
On water help starts as crew and can end up with training either running races or keeping an eye on the fleet while they are on the water. Rescue Boat Training Days are held throughout the year and are free to all volunteers .
Paradise Point Sailing Club volunteers are Insured under our comprehensive Club Insurance policy
SO COME ALONG AND GIVE IT A TRY AND MEET THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOUR CLUB! Sunday is usually our busiest day, so if you can come and lend and hand OR JUST CHECK OUT WHAT HAPPENS , please do so.
Volunteer application form available from office and fill it out and bring along with you otherwise, our volunteer application forms are also available from our canteen on Sundays.
BLUE CARD IS ESSENTIAL for those over 18yrs
Even if you don't have any sailing experience just supporting the club that supports your children and family is very helpful in the clubs overall future .
To support the club even if its only for a couple of hours a month it helps take the load off the shoulders of our present group of volunteers.
Volunteering can take the form of either on water or on land help with such things as helping the juniors rigg and de-rigg , launch and retrieve boats and helping the canteen staff who generate much needed funds through their efforts in the canteen.
On water help starts as crew and can end up with training either running races or keeping an eye on the fleet while they are on the water. Rescue Boat Training Days are held throughout the year and are free to all volunteers .
Paradise Point Sailing Club volunteers are Insured under our comprehensive Club Insurance policy
SO COME ALONG AND GIVE IT A TRY AND MEET THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOUR CLUB! Sunday is usually our busiest day, so if you can come and lend and hand OR JUST CHECK OUT WHAT HAPPENS , please do so.
Volunteer application form available from office and fill it out and bring along with you otherwise, our volunteer application forms are also available from our canteen on Sundays.
BLUE CARD IS ESSENTIAL for those over 18yrs