With our pontoon being damaged in last decembers storms we have this week recieved news that our Insurance company has approved its replacement with a new pontoon and it should be in place in about 6 weeks . We have also recieved an update from the building company for a march update of our cage including the repalcement of some very rusty uprights on the cage so we are so far having a good year.
Finally , just a reminder that if you want to book your kids into the next school Holiday Camps places are filling fast just like the last holidays so check with the office for a booking form as it looks like places are running out fast .
8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
Sunday morning started very muggy and overcast and predicted light winds so we as usual assumed that we wouldnt have a big crowd but you guessed it we had all the usuals with Riley , Lincoln ,Tristan,Ben , Henry Willow , Reece just to name a few and then we had five first time sailors as well so it was all hands on deck getting boats ready including a few rushed repairs but we managed to have everything ready for the 9am briefing . Winds were light from roughly the west but not as windy as the week before where there were a lot of visits under the bridge . Thanks very much to Taylah and Torin for jumping on lasers with some new sailors and miinor experienced sailors while Charlie ( getting over a cold ) and Abby set courses and Jason and Nigel ran the white boat . Its interesting to watch how some of our young sailors are improving with people like Tristan and Riley just to name to showing more confidence every session even Willow had her first go at Lasers last week with Taylahs help and found it a bit tough but fun !!
10.30 am Training :
This group comprising of Abby , Taylah , Jade , Kaia , Ross and our new saiolor Bailey are really coming to grips with their sailing futures but I still can manage to throw in a curve ball occassionally like last sunday where I brought up apparent wind and its effects on sailing in general , it was clear that everyone had forgotten but on a day like sunday where conditions were light it was essential that they bring this into their sailing . It was Baileys first sail with us but he soon showed he had a grip on general sailing so much so that next week we are putting him in a laser 4.7 as we think he is good enough to give one a go ! We had everyone doing upwind down wind then triangles with the focus on boat speed which as the session continued became harder to achieve as the conditions lightened .
To my surprise and enjoyment everyone sailed the conditions really well probably the best I have ever seen them sail as a group and yes I even told them so at the de brief so again everyone well done for last Sunday!
1.30 PM Open Racing :
With the race on the day being a club Championship Race and the conditions become shifty we decided to set a triangle course from our canal down to near Runaway Bay Marina with the start at the canal . The wind was roughly south east so we set the A mark pretty much in no sail zone and we only made it four laps with two triangles and two and a half windward leewards . The start was good with Greg and Steve right up the front and Russel right behind them and you guessed it after they left the wind shifted even more south so everyone had to sail wider to make A . Of course there were the odd lucky lift for some people with the best going to Steve who was right up with Greg and next minute he was pointing higher and maintaining boat speed as well ! I shouldnt forget our youth sailors who also did the race behind the adults with Jade and Daniel in Bics and Taylah in her laser and three nervous faces as they went through the start line . We had them only do half the course just to give them a taste but they all did well even with the top mark in a tough position and despite the two different classes of boat they all stayed reasonably together throughout the race with Jade crossing first with Talylah right behind her and Daniel a close third . In the open race Greg was first over the line after a good tussle with Steve who came home second with his now non leaking boat ( thanks John M for repairing it ) and Russel third ., Tom needed more wind as he just couldnt get the boat going ( should have put the full rig on ?)
P.S. Theres a rumour going round that Taylah is getting a newer quick laser and yes its true , she will be sailing a 216 boat , now the family just has to decide who gets her old boat Dad on Daniel ?
Upcoming : Easter School Holiday Camps 6/7 - 12/13 April spaces are filling fast booking through the sailing office .
Mid winter Cup 26th / 27th June
CU on the water
J Murphy