Firstly I would like to thank all the parents and individuals who volunteered over the weekend in the canteen , on the beach , in the office and on the water without your generous donation of your time we couldnt run such a successful event.
So what happened ? Firstly mother nature made it a difficult weekend with both intermittent winds and strong tides making just the racecourse set up very difficult . I think the maximum winds for the whole weekend would have been around 4/5 knots but generally they were around 1/2 knots yes thats right 1/2 knots .
I have to applaud all the competitors for hanging in there for the 5 races over two days in such testing conditions all in all it was just bloody difficult all weekend but at the end everyone was still smiling . Racing in all divisions was great from Sabot,s and Opti,s to the Open Bic and Laser 4.7 with some great skills shown by all the competitors especially getting around the course marks and lots of tide OH and I shouldnt forget the odd cruiser who motored throught the middle of the fleet rather than use the signed navigation channel ?
In our sailors Dallas came home first by one point against Grace ( syc ) then Pat Casey Zack ( syc ) Sienna Charlie Brendan and Declan
In the open bic it was a tie with Jonah and Oscar sharing first then Alex Caban coming home second . In the Optis Jarrod came in first , Jack second and Hudson third in the green fleet Open Bic it was Lachlan Ogorman then Daniel and Addy In Sabots it was Angus sheering first Max second and Zachery third and in the two up it was Tom & Sophie then Edwin & William and Laken & Kelsen . Congratulations to everyone who competed for making it a great weekend
Bunnings Barbeque Fund raiser Saturday the 8th of July and yes volunteers are needed for this important club fundraising event . If you can spare some time just let us know on Sunday !
Maintenance Day ;Saturday the 19th of August