8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
Although the early conditions were looking very light but with blue skies we still had our very keen young sailors arriving as early as 8.00 am wanting to rig their boats and get on the water . We had to hurry up ourselves so we could start signing everyone on but we were soon up and running with Lasers Teras and the Taz being pulled out and lined up for the session . We had a surprise for all the Tera sailors in that one of our great sponsors ( NEWHAVEN ) had commissioned 8 new tera sails and everyone couldnt wait to get them on the mast and in the boat . After a few photos of the new sails rigged and the boats on the water it was time to launch everyone in what turned out to be very light and flukey n/w to n/e winds around 2/4 knots . So who did well in the light conditions well starting with Jack and Dean in the Taz who sailed well especially with the help of a jib as did Elizabeth who continues to improve with her steering as did carl ( who looks like 10.30 material ) as did Curtis who is always the earliest to arrive . There was the odd tow back whenever the wind just died but towards the end the wind started to fill in making it at least possible for everyone to sail in the capsize area where everyone tipped their boats over but were not allowed to turtle and stick the new sails in the mud at least not on their first sail.
10.30 am Training ;
The numbers were down a bit for this session with only the really committed sailors out there keen to practice for this weekends race with Addy , Eddy , Abby , Ben , Mason and Jackson rigging up for some serious tacks and gybes . Mason stepped up into a Open Bic after trying one last year and going back to a Tera to learn more and both he and Jackson who also sailed a Bic both sailed the bic the best I have ever seen them sail ( nothing like pulling the mainsheet on right boys! ). After our training session a couple of weeks ago Ben continues tacking forward so no more hits with the boom and is also looking at the sail a lot more . Abby , Eddy ( laser ) and Addy ( bic ) all just cruised around the course which was a long triangle tacking and Gybing smoothly and having generally good boat speed , maybe it was from looking at the telltales more right girls? Oh yes we did discuss telltales at the briefing and what to look for and which side to get working first now lets see what happens this weekend when the pressure of racing is included , Iam actually looking forward to it fingers crossed !
1.30 pm Open Race ;
Thankfully by midday the winds had settled in and shifted around to the n/n/e at around 6/10 knots so we set a start line down in the runaway bay corner with A mark a straight accross the channel for a few windward leeward legs the the second part of the course was up the soverign channel about half way to the top green . How did the start go well you guessed it the general recall was called and how many boats were over well out of thirteen starters I think 8 boats were over and by how far ? well lets just say we started picking up the recall flag around 15 seconds before the horn it sounded like a convention of up callers . Charlie had a great early battle with greg and managed to break free and lead the race for almost half the race distance before the pack slowly overtook him towards the half way point but still only finished just over two minutes behind Tom withgreg second 35 seconds behind and Kate a further 30 seconds behind him coming in third . Ben and steve picked up their pace and around a minute and a bit next over the line with Peter Fell with a borrowed club Radial ( sorry about that mate that sail is really stretched ) following them in then Maurie , Casey , Roger , Simone , Brendan ( brendo had my steering assembly which made the boat go faster right Brendan ?-and Stewart .
All in all a good days racing!
Upcoming ;
This weekend is race three of our new Youth Series should be interesting !
Easter weekend the Club will not be open Easter Break and will be back for the following weekend 28th April
CU on the water
John Murphy