You may have also noticed that our canteen was again open thanks to a few of the mums taking it on just in time for the colder weather where a cup of coffee will surely be much appreciated and maybe the occassional pie!
With the water clearing up after all the rain early in the week it was looking like a good day for sailing and with 15 budding sailors signed on there were soon plenty of boats lined up ready to hit the water . With the winds shifting from s/w to s/s/e early Charlie set the course roughly across the water but we were sure we would have to move it later as it was predicted to go east . Wind speed was inconsistant basically around 3/5 knots so perfect especially for the new bic sailors to parctice tacks and especially gybes , these guys are so keen I cant wait to see them at the midwinter cup racing around in the green fleet . I should remind everyone that we have begun taking boat lease ( bic skiff ) names for the cup so there are only two boats still left available . Next weekend we will have at least two more sailors who want to try solo sailing after discussions last weekend so hopefully conditions will be light for their first go !
10.30 am Youth Training :
This very keen group of sailors are starting really excel at this training session so much so that we have decided to increase their actual race training skills by focusing on their race craft especially for the Mid Winter Cup in June . Abby , Taylah , Ross and Jade ( bic ) we have decided need not only start practice but become more aware of the rules on the water as well which should be fun especially mark roundings , calling starboard , touching marks , touching other boats and when to call starboard . These rules do get used at mid winter cup but will definitely come into play for those heading to Manly for youth week . We havnt forgotten our new bic sailors as we will continue to bring them up to speed as well even though at this time none of them have decided to race at the midwinter cup but if they do decide the will be in the green fleet group which is basically straight line sailing.
With the winds turning n/e at around 4/7 knots we decided to set the course in the main channel starting down near runners and heading to mark A just short of Ephriam , why so short ? yes you guessed it the current was raging . Instead of one long race we settled on three one lappers we seemed to make everyone happy well except Tom who hates the short races as he normally takes a while to get up in front and one lappers are just too short. We had Taylah , Ross , ( laser ) Jade and Daniel ( Bic ) out there amongst all the Adults and start one proved a bit of a challenge for them all they were watching the start boat but the current was really affecting them. Start two was a much better affair with all of them watching my hand signals and Taylah even one the overall start ( 4.7 ) in race two while the adults squabbled around the start boat . Steve had a blinder start in race one but apparently missed A mark and went too far allowing everyone to catch him so I think he was third .
Race two was again a bit hectic as everyone crowded the start well except for the youth which we set up in the middle of the start line in clearer air but the biggest winner on the day was the low tide sand banks which caught nearly everyone out when they all tried to go that little bit further and found sand . I did afterwards show the youth group what the channel markers mean as guides to the sand banks . Race three was a no go as the wind totally stopped and then on the way home went n/w but still flukey.
Sailing Camps : after cancelling camp one due to bad weather this weeks camp was a great success and I must thank all the assistants who helped everyone sail especially on monday when the winds were a bit strong and special thanks to Ross and Taylah for their efforts on the lasers and Jades help with showing Maddy how to tack her Bic the difference with her sailing on tuesday was awesome . Rescue boat was very popular with both Abby and Taylah getting some driving practice so well done everyone .
First Aid Course this Saturday and yes there are still a couple f spaces left so if you want to give it a try just give me a call at the club
Mid winter Cup 26/27 june
CU on the water
J Murphy