I must thank everyone who came along and helped either on the beach on the boats in the canteen and on Public Nuisance as volunteering is the life blood of clubs like ours .
All our usual juniors either sailed together our with new friends made on the day and despite the odd tow from down south including me when the wind just died out great fun was had by all . Tom had 6 budding sailors on at one stage and would you believe it the boat capsized and everyone fell off! I had one of the mums with me on the jetski and she at first panicked to see her boys in the water because they didn't want to sail on the beach but once she saw them laughing with the other kids she started laughing as well . good work Tom !
Andrew took groups out in Public Nuisance which after some engine surgery was flying around under motor even creating a bow wave . After much pestering by all the kids I finally relented and took kids out for some fun on the jetski which I'm sure all the kids enjoyed even Abby who was gripping me some tight I think she bruised a couple of ribs just kidding Abbs!.
We had some hospital staff and their families there as well who set up their marquee with the help of our expert marquee setter upper Charlie ? well at least that's how he described himself ? and Sabrina from the hospital said all her people had a great day and were truly amazed on what we set up in aid of their fundraising efforts for the Hospital.
On the day we raised nearly $600.00 which goes to the Gold Coast University Hospitals equipment wish list so well done to everyone involved.
Sunday Juniors is back next Sunday the 10th and is also operating on the 17th before closing down for Christmas and New Year then re opening on Sunday the 7th of January.
Holiday Camps are filling fast with the first camp now full and the second camp half way there as well so if you need a sailing fix join into one of the remaining camps and not only learn more about sailing but also have some fun ..
Christmas Party ; Our annual Christmas Party is this Sunday at Paradise Point Bowls Club starting at 4.00 pm with barefoot bowls included so come along and join the team and have some great fun on the night , tickets can be purchased at the club or at the venue Adults $25.00 children $10.00 including a buffet dinner and if its anything like last years meal it will be awesome .
New Years eve at Paradise Point Sailing Club ; After Andrew and I opened the canteen last year on new years eve to raise money for thge club we have decided to open again this year from 5.00 pm until 8.30 pm so come along and enjoy the 9 oclock fireworks at the club its an awesome spectacle PS GET IN EARLY AS PARKING IS A PAIN .
Ok CU on the water or bowls club!
John Murphy