8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
With school back last week we thought things would be a bit slow for the early class but were we ever wrong , even with early rain showers it didnt deter anyone who can down and signed on for their sailing fix . As usual we had a few first timers so we rigged plenty of Teras and lasers so that we could fit everyone on . Once the rain showers moved on we were treated to a perfect morning with winds from the south east at around 4/7 knots so we set a course over towards ephriam and back which was just a comfortable reach which gave everyone the opportunity to practice their tacking . There was the odd capsize which kept the safety boat crews busy especially out in the middle and then there were the capsizes near the beach especially with some of our girl sailors who just wantd to practice capsizing resulting in one very chocolate topped sail but it didnt worry the girls who even had fun washing it all off with the hose oh and anyone standing near them .Each week I thank god we have helmets at P.P.S.C. as some of our new sailors really cant duck but the helmets save them every time whether on shore or on water and even some of our more experienced juniors still forget occassionally .
10.30 am Sunday Training ;
With this group about to split into both training and a racing section we had a good turn out with 10 sailors signed on to see how they would go with this more advanced session . With quite a few slightly nervous faces rigging boats including Eddy who was rigging the new club racing laser for the first time everyone finally were ready for the briefing . The course for the day was a close reach and a broad reach return so much more of a challenge than our normal 10.30 sessions which was originally going to include a practice beach start race but we actually didnt get that far .
Being a few peoples first time at these more difficult angles there were quite a few wayward sailors out there with the broadreaches causing the most trouble whith people not letting the sail out so consequentally lots of gybe capsizing over at the beach mark . As usual there was the one boat who forgot his bung right Alex and then Mason who didnt check the mainsheet which was tangled at the boom so you guessed it it wouldnt let of on the broad reach so Mason joined the capsize crew .
So how did Eddy go first time in the laser well I think the smile told it all and Addy and Abbey were going well until a bit of confusion at the beach mark with abbey accidentally gybe capsizing right on top of Addy resulting in a few bumps and bruises . I have to say that when asked after packup if they were still keen to give this new format a go again next week everyone still said yes !
Open Racing 1.30 pm ;
With this being the first Club Championship Race for 2019 we had a good rollup of sailors wanting to get out there and shake off the cobwebs . The winds were e/s/e at around 8/9 knots and the last of an outgoing tide so we started them done near the canal and set a couple of windward leewards in our channel then of up towards the top of Ephriam for a couple of laps before finishing back at the start line . Everyone was looking well behaved before the start but just before the gun Charlie got pushed over the line by Casey resulting in him having to do a restart . Tom and Steve had a great tussle swapping the lead several times and Michelle held a comfortable third throughout the race . Casey and Chris had a bit of a tangle at a mark rounding but she still came back to the fleet which was great considering she was the only 4.7 sailor in the fleet with everyone else either in radials or full riggs . So who one out of Tom and Steve well Tom made it first but Steve was only about 20 seconds behind with Michelle holding third place . Charlie who came back and started last caugt back up and finished 6th but I think on handicap Michelle might have won the day all in all a great first race for 2019.
Next Weekend ;
Next weekend there is a non point Adult Open Club race and also the first Open Junior points race starting at 1.30 pm so we will need a volunteer or two on the start boat as I will be off with the kids so if anyone doesnt mind missing one race a month just let me know so we can organise crew
CU on the water
John Murphy