8.30 Sunday Juniors ;
With conditions stating out around 6/10 knots from the s/s/e and a high tide around 9.00 am it started perfect for our 14 keen juniors to get out there and have a go although we did put 4 of our smallest girls on board a laser with Casey and we could certainly tell they were out there by all the screaming and not from fear just from the exciting speed that Casey generated , Yes there were a few swims as expected but generally everyone had a great time . I have to mention little Nelson ( 6years ) who sailed with Dan on a laser and just kept smiling no matter how fast they went on the reaches , his opinion at the end AWESOME !!!
10.30 Sunday Juniors ;
It was decided that we would go racing which as you can imagine was certainly a challenge our group had never faced before with even Jonah having trouble as the conditions worsened ( 12/18 knots ) . Even though there were some wild rides mixed in with lots of capsizing the conditions were just too rough so when Andrew asked me if they should stop it was an affirmative yes !
Open Racing ;
Yes we did race as the winds at the start were around 20/22 knots so 11 boats lined up for a quick start around a course I set that only took everyone just past the canal and then back to a mark over near ephriam island , so the had upwind , reaching , and broad reaching . As you can imagine the gybes were spectacular as were the reaches with people telling me they at times just couldnt see ! I should now say also that by half way way through the race the winds increased to 30 knots which forced a few retirements but the rest battled on with Tom the first boat home in just under 32 minutes and the last boat Casey ( with 8 capsizes and a lost main sheet ) in 52 minutes . Definitely one to remember . I shouldnt forget our two new 4.7 sailors Brendan and Ryan who at least gave it a try but with only a couple of races under their belt it just proved too much for their present level of experience .
Upcoming ;
This weekend Kyle , Mike , Lewin and Charlie are off to Yachting Queensland to complete their Assistant Instructors Course , good luck everyone !
New club shirts can be ordered from the canteen on Sundays
RUMOUR ? we might be getting another boat for the club , more news to follow