What a great weekend again with sunny skies and good winds especially on Sunday. It looks like we have finally finished with the rain although its still a bit nippy in the mornings.
Sunday Juniors8.30 class;
Sunday Juniors was held in 3 to 5 knot winds with only a small group of juniors attending with everyone enjoying the conditions and even a couple of on purpose capsizes , not real sure about the capsizes as the water is still chilly, at least the sun was shining. We had a couple of new people again who thoroughly enjoyed their first sailing experience.
Hats of to the girls Lilly and Sienna 2 who made it look easy and I don’t think it will be long before they are up in the 10.30 session well done girls.
Sunday Juniors 10.30 class; Again we only had a small group in this session with the wind picking up to around 8knots . After some around the buoys practice we set the group of down the channel to the next canal and then back to a buoy over near Ephriam this way that could practice on their upwind and broad reaching which I have to admit was a bit of a challenge at first especially the upwind but they all finally mastered the course with both India and Mark showing the way. The biggest problem we had was with a large amount of boat traffic with a couple of people in tinnies being the worst offenders with a complete disregard for on water courtesy. I believe a father who was teaching his son up the beach caught up with one boat and laid the law down about safety and rules, we didn’t see them again after that.
Club Racing ; The open race was held in 8 to 12 knots e/s/e winds with a few windward leeward sections combined with a couple of triangles just to make it interesting we even had a few of the BIC sailors out in radials giving it a go in bigger boats. There were two races on the day with the following results:
1 Peter Fell
2 Andrew Todd
3 Roger Margot
Race two
1 Peter Fell
2 Andrew Todd
3 John Pring
Bic racing; Well what a day for the BIC fleet we lined them up for a great start in race one with the first mark a straight line to Ephriam only to see them all bear away and head for the bridge? it was to much for the start crew and we called them all back and tried it again but again they sailed away from the buoy despite a lot of yelling and arm waving from the start boat which achieved only minimum success. Race two was a vast improvement but still there was a lot of arm waving and head hanging on the start boat. I suppose there is always next week hopefully with no birthday parties the day before. While on the Bic fleet I have asked Aidan Verstoep if he would like to take over the training of the fleet which he has enthusiastically accepted so from now on he and i will be working the group towards the Port Stephens Regatta.
Reminder: I have been asked by our membership controller to just remind everyone that memberships and storage fees are now overdue so for anyone who has forgotten this years fees either contact us by email our catch up on the weekend you can download the relevant forms on the club website.
CU ALL on the water next weekend!
John Murphy
President/Sailing manager
Paradise Point Sailing Club
Gold Coast Qld 4216
Mob 0407 145397