Well its here 2014 and I hope everyone has a great year with good health and good fortune for 2014 .
The club officially reopend for Juniors on Saturday the 5th but there was some time set aside over the break to finish training Tara for the Youth Nationals 6th Jan and also some training for the Open Bic racers for Port Stephens on the 24th Jan. The waterways were as expected completely overcrowded and at times quite dangerous with a lot of dangerous driving by both powerboats and Jetskis. Boats were seen aground, speeding outside channels , towing children under bridges and Jetskiers operating with no regard to other waterway users so all in all it was a good time to be shut.
Sunday Juniors 8.30 class:
Juniors started with a bit of a whimper on the 5th with a lot of people still away on their xmas break but this weekend gone it was back to normal with old favourites back (buttercup, Sienna and Taylah) just to name a few. We had around 6 new first time sailors as well and thanks to Buttercup, Charlie, Dylan and Dallas for taking the new people for their first sail. The conditions were perfect with S/E winds around 6 knots creating perfect sailing for some of our new steerers in the likes of Abby and Shikalea who have only just learnt this skill. Of course there were the standard capsizes which were generally on purpose mainly just to cool down, there was a great deal of laughing which is what we like to hear.
Sunday Juniors 10.30 class:
Like the 8.30 class this weeks group was again back to normal with 9 boats out in around 10 to 15 knots of S/E breeze. I set everyone a challenging course with a long upwind and then a run back toward the club. This created a lot of problems at the start of the session with the smaller people especially having difficulty with the slightly blustery conditions, but with perseverance and some help from Charlie Bratten everyone managed to grasp the idea of how to get around the course especially the newer people and smaller ones on the upwind. There was a fair few capsizes around the gybe marks and some hairy down wind moments with some stand out saves such as Xavier who had a few wild ones but generally managed to save it. I also heard that Jasmine in the laser was trying to give Oscar a run for his money with some blocking going on and trying to match Oscar speed? not much hope there Jasmine but who knows with some more experience you might just catch him.
Open Bic 1.30:
As part of the training for Port Stephens the Bic sailors were given what would be classed in competition as Gold fleet race course with a difficult upwind a fast down wind a difficult cross current upwind and a quick reach between Marks. Racing was excellent with close racing in each race including some close moments at the gybe marks and even some tactics around the buoys. There were a few penalties given and grudgingly accepted by all competitors. Might as well get used to it now people as Port Stephens is only two weeks away. The best of the racers on the day were Dylan and Sienna who both won races with Dylan winning the last race by a good margin. Dont forget training on Mon/Wed/Fri for the Bic people at 4pm.
Club Racing:
After a few updates with our calendar I have set the dates for the Summer Series racing , these races will start on Sunday the 2nd of February with the first sound signal at 13.25 hrs. This Series will include a round of the Queensland State Laser Traveller Series on the 30th of March. Presentation of Trophies for the 2013 season will be presented on Sunday the 2nd of February at the conclusion of the days racing. Who won? even I don’t know yet so don’t ask me as I have to re check all results just to make sure.
Dates to remember in 2014 ;
Open Bic Midwinter Cup 4/5/6 July
Laser Traveller Series 30th March
Masters Games 31st October to the 9th of November
John Murphy
President/Sailing manager
Paradise Point Sailing Club
Gold Coast Qld 4216
Mob 0407 145397