Our Open Series is also back in February with a pretty full calendar plus a few away events that the guys say they would like to go away for and with all this happening we will soon have our 2023 calendar out once I stop making mistakes ?
Our first major event is on saturday the 11 /2 2023 with a visit by the Sail Gp team especially designed for our young sailors to check out other options in their future sailing career , should be very interesting and yes it will include sailing... Then on Sunday its our annual Fundraiser for the Gold Coast University Hospital starting at 8.30 am with all money donated going to the Hospital so bring your friends along and support this worthy cause .
8.30 am Sunday Juniors
With everyone desperate for a sail we soon had a good group signed on for their first sail of 2023 including a few newbies , As I was partly out of action with the injury it was up to our club instructors to organise the group and thanks to Guy who not only rigged boats but also drove the safety boat . Conditions were good with blue skies and light winds which were slowly increasing as predicted While charlie looked official on the beach , Ross Jade , Harvey and Reece helped the new sailors by either sailing with them or practicing in the shallows while people like Hallie and wetsuit ( leila ) showed people how to accidentally fall out of a boat and also capsize yeah right girls accidentally ? Lilly and Maddie sailed well as did Torson who is definitely a sailor of the future as he is always keen to learn more so much so that a 10.30 training spot might be possible soon !
10.30 am Youth Sailing
With most of the usual crew plus a first timer in Zack we sat down for a discussion on upwind sailing and how we achieve the best results and I have to admit there were some good questions and answers amongst the group. While we were having our briefing the wind started to increase so that by the time they all headed out the wind were around 12/15 knots so for people like Zack , Layla ,Gemma it was a tough slog with lots of capsizing and frustration . Harvey and Jade of course just took of as did Reece but Reece ended up a bit puffed and had a couple of big capsizes but still managed to sail back to shore . Gut and his crew had a big day on the safety boat as well with laya caught down at the canal and not able to get back on her own wile the rest did manage to make it back to shore and wlk back . Once everyone was packed up we had a debrief and discussed things like why did layas boat not want to bear away , Zacks boat nose dive and Gemmas boat capsize down wind ! so what was behind all this well sail setting so guess what we will be working on in a fortnight.
CU on the water
J Murphy