Hi Everyone , I have been checking the weather maps and it looks like we are in store for the possible visit from tropical cyclones as we have already had one in the gulf and there is some bad weather brewing off tropical north queensland so its time to keep a look out . Thankfully most of these storms dont reach us in full intensity but they sure wreak havoc up north so spare a thought for our northern neighbours this cyclone season.
8.30 am Sunday Juniors :
Ok with Sunday morning kicking off in its usual fashion with bright blue skies and gentle winds we were expecting a big crowd and we werent disappointed with over 20 kids signing on with nearly half newbies . After getting everyone kitted out in helmets and jackets and rigging enough boats to accomodate everyone Andrew set a nice reaching course straight across the front of the club in about a 6 knot s/e wind so al;l the parents could sit back and watch their kids enjoy either their first sail or learn more about sailing . Yes there was the odd tow as new skippers got a bit confused and were trapped over near the bridge but once everyone got the idea everyone it was smooth sailing . Our team were great and even Pat turned up to help after being away overseas since the beginning of December and yes captain headbut ( Ben ) wore a helmet so no ice packs were need in the making of this session !
10.30 am Sunday Junior Training ;
Mother nature had really kicked in by the time we got everyone on the water with a good e/s/e wind around 6/8 knots . Abbey went Tera instead of Laser as did Ben and Aidan with Ollie , Addy and Eddie going Bic and everyone soon got hooked in to the upwind and broad reach course. We started just tacking at both ends with everyone really starting to nail the manouver but the big one was the gybes which of course everyone moans about but with a bit of coaching gybing was not a problem . I have to say the girls stood out over the boys and amongst the girls Addy absolutely nailed it its amazing what sitting on the side and looking at the boom does for balance and skill . With the boys well as I said at the briefing if you don't look at the boom for timing and you let go of the steering you will capsize right Ollie ! but when you do it right its not a problem , all in all a great session for everyone .
1.30 pm Open Racing :
With our first club championship Race for the 2018 season and also the presentation of 2017 club championship trophies we had a good crowd turn up for racing .
So who won in the Championship ? well first overall was Tom Slocombe then to her surprise Simone Dougherty was second and Steve Pudney was third , for Tom it was the second year as Adult Champion and as well it was Steve's second year in third place . In the Youth division which was hotly contested by Dallas , Pat Charlie and Casey Casey managed to pull ahead towards the end of the season to win her second Club Championship with Dallas second Charlie Third .
With it being race one and good sailing conditions I expected some over eager sailors at the start so I had the recall flags at the ready but even though the start was hectic everyone got away well and set of on the triangle / windward course . In the Adults Tom slowly moved ahead of the fleet but a navigation error saw him loose first place to Greg which he just couldn't recover from . Steve had a great sail and mister luckless James again broke his vang saddle but still managed to finish . In the Youth Pat managed to get away with a port start but was soon leading the 4,7s but Casey slowly pegged him back coming over the line just in front . well done everyone !
Happy Australia Day everyone !!
CU on the water
John Murphy