8.30 Sunday Juniors ; Wit perfect summer weather but very little wind early it was a very slow start to the session with the boats barely moving so we decided some early capsize practice was in order . There were a few who seemed to hesitate a bit but with Mikes help everyone was soon wet and cooled down . Finally the wind came in from the s/e around 3/5 knots and everyone just sailed around the marks perfectly , even Ava was out there in a Tera on her own cruising around the reaching course . Thanks to Casey and Pat for taking a few newbies out and showing them how it all happens .
10.30 Sunday Juniors ; With this class now split into two sections there were only a couple of sailors out there practicing their tacking and gybing while the bulk of the group were having their first go at racing . The winds for both sections was still light from the s/e but still good enough for the learners to cruise around the course .
Sunday 10.30 racing ; As this was the first day of this new format there was a bit of rushing involved with both people turning up late and boats missing parts ? so while Andrew , Kyle and Mike had a briefing and got everyone on the water I ran around on shore hurrying people up and fixing boats but finally we got everyone out there and racing . It was a triangle course just south of the club and at first everyone had some trouble getting around it but slowly but surely most everyone managed to navigate around the course and finish races , well done to everyone who had a go !
Open Racing ; With the winds finally building from the e/s/e at around 6/8 knots and a fleet of 15 boats it was a perfect day for racing . The first start was a bit of a shambles with at least 5 boats over at the start so a general recall was called ( everyone forgot the outgoing tide ) So with a clean restart they were all off sailing into both increasing winds and a more easterly breeze . Up the front Tom Peter and Greg were having a great battle until the long reaching section where peters new mark 2 full rig sail just powered him away leaving Tom and Greg to battle for second and third with Steve holding fourth . We had a couple of new laser sailors who battled it out with Maurie Mike Simone Pat Casey and a new boy Ryan all in all it was great racing with some very quick reaches over the ephriam side making for an exciting race .
Updates ; The club now has a new caretaker couple in Geoff and Wendy and we look forward to them settling to their new home and becoming part of the family.
Who forgot to duck in the 10.30 class last Sunday and ended up with a very red ear ?