We will be loosing two of our young sailors in Harvey and Reece and Mum ( Claire ) & Dad ( Guy ) as are going on an extended holiday to England and Europe and from what they tell me it sounds like the trip of a lifetime . Mum and Dad are tireless volunteers for the club and the boys not only compete in the Youth Racing Series but they also help out on sunday mornings with the juniors so they will be sorely missed .
I hope you have a great holiday and I cant wait to hear all the stories about your trip when you return.
8.30 am Sunday Juniors
After a few sundays with only two young sailors signed on in Jack and TJ we actually doubled our numbers with Ollie and Kirra a new sailor also signing on . Everyone was keen to get on the water but we didnt rush as we were waiting for the wind to basically start . There was a faint breeze from the west and I mean faint which occasionally turned N/E so yes it was a challenge but I must say that they all managed to get their boats moving at times and managing to actually sail around the reaching course out the front of the club but then off course there were the dead bits where everyone decided to try and see how far they could lean their boats without falling in , Ollie was pushing the limit and fell in without a wetsuit so when he finally slid of the side of the boat there was a bit of a scream as the shock of the cold water got him and yes I did suggest a club wetsuit but he was adamant that he wouldnt capsize ? There was only one other capsize in Jack but he had a wetsuit on and was much quicker getting back in the boat probably from a lot of previous capsizing practice .
10.30 Youth Sailing Group
With the first Youth Racing Series completed and the second Series not starting until the middle of August and finally getting some reasonable wind we had a good briefing regarding light weather sailing before we set everyone off on a sail to the red channel marker past the canal then back up to a mark near the pontoon. There were the usual tips like sit further forrward , let the sail out , pull the sail on and of course the biggie dont fall in as its too cold ! but in general this group that started training early this year are doing very well even the wetsuit twins are looking much better on the water with Leila even wearing a wetsuit and Halle starting to sail straighter lines . Harvey who is always in front now has some close competition right behind him in Gemma who basically chased him around the course with Reece right on her tail then Zach mister consistency just behind Reece . Why do I call him mister consistency well its from the midwinter cup where he consistently finished third except one race where he came home second which was a great effort . We are hoping to have their result presentation at the annual Christmas Party so it should be a good race to the end .
1.30 pm Open Racing
Open racing is back next weekend so a few of the guys and girls just went for a training run but they weren,t out there long as the winds were fading fast and the outgoing tide was getting stronger.
Yepoon Regatta LateSeptember
Fathers Day Race September
Club Xmas Party 17th dec
CU on the water
J Murphy