8.30 am Sunday Juniors
It was great to see that the weather prediction was looking great for the morning especially with light winds and blue skies predicted , the numbers were back to normal after several weeks of max numbers at 14 young sailors signing on for this class . As usual there were a few rigging issues which had charlie and eye running around with drills and pop rivet guns but with the help of all the instructors we soon had all the boats ready to sail . The briefing this week was taken on by Harvey as Tristan was away camping and despite some original nervousness was soon running through the introduction despite some interuptions from the peanut gallery ( charlie and Dan !!!) he soon had everyone ready for a sail . Conditions were perfect with a nice northerly blowing at around 4 knots so Guy and Taylah set a nice reaching course but as usual there was the old yacht parked in the way causing a few problems , a complaint has been set to Maritime Safety as when I approached him he just ignored me so left me no choice by to take the issue further . So who sailed well on the day ? well I will start with Harrison who is really getting the feel for sailing plus Oscar who looks more confident every day . Lana and Indiana were doing really well but unfortunately suffered a couple of late capsizes ??? in the four knot winds but they were adamant that each one was accidental and Iam supposed to believe that sure thing girls!!!
10.30 am Youth Training
Well firstly I have to say that it was great seeing the wetsuit twins back for their second go at this session as like most new 10.30 sailors they found their first session very frustrating so well done girls for hanging in there ..
We discussed apparent wind effects which as usual had a few people slightly confused but as I said its important to know what effect it has on your sailing angles , I never expect instant recognition as I know from experience it takes time on the water to come to grips with it . Our on water session started with gybing only and with one buoy perfectly placed where I could stand in the water and guide them round the mark we soon had everyone giving it ago ! So who was the best well everyone improved through the session with Harvey and Reece really starting to nail it and Zach speeding up changing sides while we worked on Torsen keeping the sail on in the gybe and the wetsuits girls practicing holding the steering right Hanna? We finally set them off around the triangle in winds around 4-6 knots east which in general was a good sail if you tack out the idiots yes I said idiots on Jetski,s who just have no idea about safety as all they are interested in is showing off no mater how close they are to especially young sailors . I am seriously considering a letter of complaint in regards to their behaviour which hopefully Maritime Safety and the water police will take notice of .
1.30 PM Open Racing
With the winds turning E/S/E at around 6-9 knots we set a start line down at the canal and a top mark south of the yellow navigation mark near runners and a final mark half way up soverign . There were seven boats lined up to start and they even took note of the outgoing tide for a change with everyone starting legally . Nick and Roger were forst over with the rest of the fleet bringing up the rear and with the first leg straight up and back Nic was first to round C mark with Steve behind him. Casey Greg and Tom had shockers but were slowly making it toward the front of the pack and before I forget thanks to Russel who showed real sportsmanship as he did a penalty turn after touching the mark and honestly mate we werent going to say anything as you were last anyway so well done .
Greg seemed to be on a mission as did Casey but in the end Greg was uncatchable as he slowly powered ahead with Casey second and Tom third with plenty of smiles as they went over the line .
Sailing Camp 3-4 april
CU on the water
J Murphy