Our one and only holiday sailing camp is filling fast so if you think that two days of sailing sounds good to you please email the club for a camp enrolment form so that you can secure a place . These camps are always popular as the give the sailors a more in depth sailing experience including more tacks - gybes - bearaways and longer distance sailing adventures and oh yes the Instructors enjoy it as well as we have more time to work with everyone to improve their knowledge and skills .. Please do not forget that the club will not be open on Easter Sunday as most of the Instructors and helpers will be away competing up north so good luck to everyone who is going to give it a try.
8.30 am Sunday Juniors
We had a visitor all the way from western australia in Cooper who sailed with us up until 2018 when the family moved west and even though he was a bit rusty he never had a smile off his face as he cruised around in front of the club , it was great to catch up mate with you and mum and dad ! With seven people notifying me that they were sailing at 8.30 we soon had a good group signed on and rigging boats , as always Harrison was early and keen to help out getting everything ready as he is super keen at learning more about sailing so well done mate and keep up the good work. We also have a ever increasing group of very young sailors in Tristan, Harvey and Reece who are all keen to help rig boats then deliver the morning briefing then take on individual sailors to teach the the basics of sailing , its just awesome to watch now all the have to wait for is to turn twelve so that they can become official australian sailing assistant instructors The winds were roughly from the north so the guys in sarah set a nice reaching course with tacking and gybing allowed as the wind speed was only around 4 knots and luckily the tide was near the top so everyone stayed away from the bridge . We had two boys wanting to prove that they can sail solo so Tristan took them under his wing and after some instructiion from the coach he started them sailing together with tacking and gybing a priority then he sailed them separately doing the same manouvres while the chief instructors watched on . Tristan definitely has the voice for instructing very loud and clear so well done captain capsize.
10.30 am Youth Training
With the winds still light the briefing mainly comprised of light wind sailing techniques whit such things as setting forward and trimming the sail to catch the maximum amount of wind in the light conditions and also working the little puffs like coming up in the puff then bearing away as the puff slowed . The winds had shifted from the morning session more towards the East so a course was set from the red buoy at the pontoon down to the yellow at the canal making it a broad reach down and a close reach back . Once on the water everyone was soon away and I must admit everyone definitely was sailing better than previous weeks especially on the close reach upwind section , well nearly everyone except for Xavier who seemed to get slower as the session went on ? yep you guessed it he left the bung out and she was chockers and I mean chockers with water , so much in fact it was still draining 10 minutes later ? All the assistants from 8.30 class definitely got it together and not only showed good upwind but also downwind especially when you let the sail out right boys ! The best parrt of the session was the fact that at least this week we didnt have to deal with a whole bunch of inconsiderate jetskiers , lets hope one day the waterways authority puts a six knot speed limit in front of the club .
1.30 pm Youth Racing
With the winds still coming from the E/N/E at around 3/5 knots and a increasing outgoing tide I set a course starting at the red buoy at the pontoon and rounding down at the yellow navigation mark at the canal we soon had everyone circling around the start area . Guy had his first go at the flags while Jason was on sound signals while charlie , Taylah and I sat on the pontoon directing traffic . Charlie can up with an idea for Harvey to fake barking just before the starters flag to distract the other competitors , it didnt really work as he wasnt the only one to pretend bark with several boats barking their way through the start line . Jade got in too early while Daniel nailed it and was off with Harvey on his heals . Jade as usual streaked through the fleet in the light conditions and soon pulled out a large gap well until the last rounding at the red where in the gybe her rudder popped off but amazingly she managed to re-attach it and remained in front althoug Harvey and Daniel wer much closer behind . Torsen is coming to grips with the Bic and doesnt even forget the bung now ! which as we all know makes the boat a lot faster right Torsen ! So who won on handicaup well yes it was Harvey followed by Jade and Daniel . One sailor did loose focus as he forgot to stop barking after the start which wasnt concentrating especially in the gybes so next time Tristan dont listen to Charlies brilliant ideas.
Club closed Easter Sunday
School Holiday Sailing Camp : 3/4 april
Lake Cootharaba 7-9 april
CU on the water
J Murphy