8.30 am Sunday Juniors:
With the ever changing weather lately luckily Sunday turned out well with blue skies light winds plus humidity for our beginner sailors . The group was mainly return sailors but like every sunday the were a couple of new sailors and even one we hadnt seen for over a month ( Athenia ) due to family commitments and yes she has definitely grown . With a light s/e breeze it was easy rigging well except for the sails which are just falling apart but luckily Newhaven have sponsored a new set which should be about a week away . With a quick briefing it was time to hit the water so Casey and crew set a reaching course for everyone to practice both tacking and gybing . Ok it was a bit slow but for our smaller sailors and relative new sailors it was perfect for everyone to nail down the turns . Daniel who usually sails with his brothers took a Tera and sailed it well sitting forward to keep the bum out of the water as did Jade and Athenia even though there was a bit of complaining at the start when athenia found out that she was sailing a Tera and not sunning on a laser ! Finally we let everyone practice capsizing which is always fun to watch as everyone trys the different ways to tip a boat over right Blake ?
10.30 am Sunday Training;
This class has evolved this year into more about racing skills for our keen sailors as they slowly transfer over into our fortnightly racing team . Yes it is a bit difficult especially at first but with the help of Charlie and Casey as Instructors everyone is slowly enjoying this new challenge . Last sundays training centered around gybing as the conditions were perfect with e/s/e winds around 6 knots so off everyone went down to the canal and we proceeded to introduce everyone to whistle gybes . What is whistle gybes ? well its when everytime you hear the whistle you gybe so with a big group like sundays it certainly makes for some wild manouvers which was certainly the case with lots of out of control and a few capsizes but overall everyone started to come to terms with it so we sent them for a sail south and back then you guessed it back to whistle gybes and this time there were no capsizes and only the occassional out of control . Everyone was definitely smiling when the came back to shore even Torin who was on whistle duties . Next weekend is race two of this years Youth Racing Series so fingers crossed for good winds and blue skies .
1.30 Open Racing;
With the winds settling in from the e/s/e at around 8 knots and the storm clouds building all around us I set a course starting at runners heading east then a leg up towards the club but I didnt make it too long a course because of the building storm clouds . We were a bit late starting with a few people late of the beach so we were around 20 minutes late for the start but what I didnt tell everyone at the briefing was the start was set accross the current which certainly ahd everyone struggling in the first run to A mark but Greg Steve and Matt sorted it out and were the first boats around the buoy . Matts son Finn who was on the start boat and couldnt believe how well his dad was going and like all sons was giving him sailing tips all around the course ? As the race went on greg moved clear with steve holding second and Roger slowly overtaking Matt to come in third with Charlie fifth and Casey sixth but she was in the 4.7 as she is training for racing at Manly in two weeks . It was great to see our Treasurer out there as well with an afternoon off even though he didnt complete the course due to sore hands and it was also nice seeing Lance sailing and Stewart out racing as well .
Yes we did beat the storm and even had time to pack up the club before the heavens opened again and it absolutely bucketed down and it was definitely not a fun drive home >
Upcoming . Manly is only two weeks away and Casey , Simone , Ben , Greg and Tom are all gearing up for two days of racing .
The Mid winter cup ( june 29/30 ) has secured its first sponsor with Ronstan Australia coming back on board so its all guns blazing now all we need is the Sabots , Optis , Open Bic and youth Laser sailors to rock up again for another great sailing weekend NOR will be posted shortly!
Adult Learn to Sail Course :; starts this Saturday 23/3/2019 two spaces left !
CU on the water
John Murphy