8.30 Sunday Juniors ;
With thunder and lightning from 5 am and bucketing rain it really started badly for the first class and I had to tell a lot of people who rang early not to bother . Of course by 8.00 am the lightning and rain had stopped and conditions were actually good for sailing but with only three sailors turning up we rigged a couple of boats and after some individual coaching we sent them out on a long reaching course . Mason improved his sailing with his tacking and general steering becoming less erratic ( straight rudder ) and of course addy with casey as her on water coach just cruised around smiling all the way
.10.30 Sunday Juniors ;
Again with shifting conditions and small numbers we just sent everyone out around a long course practicing gybing and sail trim which has been a bit of a bug bear with Andrew and I . We think we may have actually gotten through to them by hammering home the fact that you have to look and read the telltales and luff . It seemed to work well with everyone actually sailing well with virtually no luffing up . Now all we have to do is get Abby to DUCK !
1.30 ; Open Racing
With winds virtually non existent the sailors decided to not race but Tom Trisha and Roger headed of for a sail across to straddie and Casey , Charlie and Lewin rigged the 420 and went south trying to find some wind , we should have made them sit in the 10.30 class because they certainly didnt look at their tell tales very much resulting in a lot of frustration on the safety boat . We did manage to get them going so that at least Lewin could have his first go on the wire . A few of the lasers are away this week at the states so the championship race gazetted for this wekeend has been moved to the following weekend so we will be just having a normal club race this Sunday.
Canteen volunteers needed : We are still looking for some volunteers to help operate our canteen on sundays . The canteen creates income which in turn helps us support junior sailing so if you can spare an hour or two just let us know as we really need the help .
News ; Yes the rumour is true we are now the proud owners of a 30 ft racing Yacht that will be used to training our experienced youth sailors on big boat racing .The boat is presently in Narooma nsw and the plan is to go down over easter and sail her home , should be an awesome trip !
Bendigo Bank Youth Cup ; Yes the cup is definitely on and we are also thinking of adding on the sunday a tera race program for the juniors , its is in the planning stage at the moment but we are hopeful that it will happen with updates to follow over the next couple of weeks .
CU on the water
John Murphy