8.30 am Sunday Juniors;
With the forecast looking good for all classes Casey and I started unpacking all the gear and launching boats as it was looking like a big morning Junior sailor wise, what was Charlie doing well putting his lace up sailing boots on! now there's a story! As usual we had a few budding new sailors signing on for their first try while everyone else started getting their boats ready Jack and Dean even asked if they could use the jib on the taz but I had to say no as it was just a bit to strong for their first go . Taine and Josh just took off in the Tera and as they did last week just cruised around the course, there were a few collisions and apparently one really good one as for the first time a tera actually got a hole punched in the side . Our budding new Instructor Edwina ( Eddie ) rigged up bad decision and we loaded 4 new sailors on board and off they went with Eddie even getting a few to use the main like Ashley and even a bit of steering so well done Eddie .
10.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
With the mid winter cup fast approaching we again set an upwind and downwind course to the canal and back . After a briefing where we went off the previous week which had the same course and the struggle everyone had with both legs and how they should approach the same course this week we sent everyone off with fingers crossed .. Well how did everyone go.... they all went well with all the girls sailing well in both upwind and downwind and I should include Ollie in that. Aidan struggled a bit but with his determination to learn I am sure he will get the idea. We put Ben and Mason together and after many visits to the sand back we managed to coach them all the way to the top mark and back so hopefully now they have a better idea especially on the upwind. All in all I was very happy with everyone's performance great work guys !!!
Green fleet training ; This was the first day of green fleet sailing and from all reports it was a bit of a difficult day for both the sailors and their instructors (Glen, Ben and Simone) apparently as soon as you add the words race practice to a session everyone has trouble remembering what they were doing in 10.30 class but don't worry everyone it was only your first go !
1.30 pm Open Race ;
With a reduced fleet because a couple of sailors were helping green fleet training Declan and I set up a start down at the runners rocks sign with a couple of short windward leewards then a long run all the way to the top of Soverign then a reach back to the finish line at A mark . The start was hotly contested with nearly everyone at the line as the hooter went with Greg breaking first just followed by the rest oh except for Casey who had a bit of a brain snap and was caught out barging at the start line nearly taking out Steve in the process .
The windward leeward section was over quickly well except for Brendan Charlie and Torin who decided to do an extra lap! not sure who's idea it was as they are all blaming each other. Peter Fell just blitzed it with his power full rig sail its just to good on the reaches and Greg just had no answer. Casey after a disastrous start came back well finishing up with the full rigs like Russel and Steve. Russell's glasses worked well apparently they help with seeing where he is going!
Note; Over the last couple of Sundays there has been a new face in front of the white board at the 8.30 class Casey who is now taking on the task of teaching on the white board and after a very nervous start she is now really settling in to her new duties great work Case !
Have a great Easter everyone
CU on the water
John Murphy