8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
With blue skies and light winds it was a perfect morning for the early class and with again some new beginners coming along for their first experience at sailing we had 13 juniors take to the water with the help of a couple of our junior instructors and Ben Roake who had his first real attempt at becoming an assistant instructor and did really well showing one of the new sailors how its done .
Addy had a go at the open bic but found it a bit of achallenge even with Dallas,s help so she ended up in a Tera and Mary successfully steered the laser around the course with Dan as crew . Well done everyone !
10.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
With a keen group of seven sailors and with winds increasing to around 12/15 knots from the s/e we set a reaching course with originally tacking and gybing but as the wind speed increased we restricted everyone to tacking only . The stand outs on the day were Declan 4.7 laser who was absolutely flying and Ollie and Abbey who got a seven out of ten from me for their performance in the tricky conditions . Jonah continued his march forward in skills as did Hado and Cody until he capsized and floated under the bridge where Dallas jumped on and sailed the boat back as Cody was absolutely buggered , the moral Code is dont go so near the bridge in a southerly !
Open Racing 1.30 pm ;
Pete and his crew set a pretty long course with the top mark up towards the top of Soverign which created a great up wind battle with John T out in front and Greg and Tom have their usual set too behind him , Tom did manage to get in front on thr return to A mark only for me to blow it for hom by telling everyone that he hag got in front of aGreg only to see him capsize at the turning buoy ( forgot to let the vang off ! ) . All in all everyone sailed well with James Maurie and Ross albiet with crew ( his son ) really enjoying the conditions and Casey coming home first in the 4.7 with Charlie and Dan following behind .
Public Nuisance ; we have everything we need to continue the gourney home and it is looking like the following weekend we will have enough crew to sail her up the coast .
Canteen ; The canteen is an intergral part of the clubs fundraising and we are always looking for a few volunteers to help out when they can so if you think you can spare us some time on Sundays just let us know and we can run you through the set up . Also dont forget that we will need a few volunteers on both Saturday and Sunday of the Youth Cup at the end of June .
CU on the water
John Murphy