8.30am Sunday Juniors ;
With me being restricted in what I could do it was up to the Instructors to do the unpack and set up on Sunday so things were a bit hectic early. I gave Casey a break from the white board where we discussed the conditions before sailing which were average with winds around 12 knots from the south which as everyone knows is our maximum for this class but everyone was keen to give it a try. Everyone performed well but the conditions slowly caught everyone out with capsizes being common and then there was a crash between a few Teras and Brendan in the laser resulting in young Jack getting a hit with a boom requiring an ice pack and another boat going under the bridge which resulted in Torin having to jump on and bring it back. Even Addy got involved with her sailing a tera for the first time in ages as captain showing the newer sailors how its done. All in all everyone went well especially as the wind had increased to around 14 knots.
10.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
With conditions now averaging 14 knots I was pleasantly surprised to see a core group of keen sailors waiting for the briefing well that is after the compulsory hot chips run ! I decided that due to the conditions which were now averaging 14 knots and gusty that I would only put a long reaching course out with a gybe at the club end but that was optional as we had spoken at the briefing about safe gybes in relation to wind speed . As usual lately Abbey took off but wisely in a Tera which she handled well until the old ankle injury got her and she had to retire . Eddie was really working on her gybes but she also had to retire after falling into the boom with her hip . Next to retire was Ollie with sore hands , he just couldnt hold the mainsheet any longer in the blustery conditions . Addy did really well considering the conditions required weight but true to late form she had listened at the briefing about how to handle the now very blustery conditions . FOR ADDY , see there was no mention of the incident now that the M&Ms have been supplied !
Open Racing ;
You guessed it despite the date being in our calendar quite a few of our senior sailors turned up for racing so rather than turn around and go home they rigged and had a sail while the volunteers and Instructors packed up. I would have loved to have gone out with everyone but I was still a bit sore from my operation maybe next time.
Upcoming Events ;
John Murphy Invitational Midwinter Cup 30th June - 1st July this should be a lot of fun again this year, to enter check the website for the entry form and don't forget Saturday night dinner and barefoot bowls so come along and meet all the competitors and their families .
Pan Pacific Masters Games ;
This is a ten day event open to dinghys , windsurfers and multihulls and is designed to enjoy competitive racing but also the night life associated with the event , its always great fun ! 2nd Nov to 11 Nov
Annual Try Sailing Day ;
December 6th where we raise funds for our local Gold Coast University Hospital and there is a rumour that this years event will be even bigger than previous years ?
CU on the water
John Murphy