With Blue skies to start the day we soon had junior sailors signing on and with the prospect of perfect winds everyone was in a hurry to rig their boats and get them onto the beach . We were a bit short handed with instructors as Eddy was away in Sydney and Declan was off with a football injury so Charlie , Addy and I were somewhat rushed off our feet just getting everything set but we soon had all the boats out on the water in what were perfect morning conditions with the winds out of the S/S/E at around 6/8 knots but with the occasional gust around 14 knots . Addy took Jade out for her first go in the Bic and like all first timers in the Bic Jade looked a bit overawed but with Addy's help she managed a few goes at steering and tacking . Dean and Jack took out an extra in Zander on the taz which proved a bit of a challenge as Zander had to sit in front of the centreboard which made the boat nose dive in the gusty bits but they still managed to get around the course without a capsize . Even Charlie got in the action and sailed with Nixon a first timer on the laser but he chickened out on letting him have a go at steering mainly because he didn't want to get wet . Finally I have to mention Blake who everyone who sails with him knows has a habit of falling out of his boat accidentally ?? but last Sunday there was only the one swim so now we know the water must be getting colder!
With the conditions freshening and the winds now around 8/10 knots with the occasional gust it was looking good for some tacking , gybing and overall speed . We did have a few missing with the flu which I can totally understand having had a bout of it myself but we still had three Bics , one laser and a Tera out training which were reasonably testing conditions causing some frustration amongst most of the crew with capsizing and hitting sand banks pretty normal . Mason and Carl struggled at first but once we got them to sail our course things started picking up , what course did they try to sail well lets just say the sailed south then couldn't get back without multiple capsizes . The boys in the Bics are starting to come to grips with main sheet tension and balance which is only achieved by sitting on the side of the boat and to prove it to them we actually videoed Addy in broad reaching , close reaching plus tacking and gybing and then played it back so that they can get a better idea of how its done and yes she absolutely nailed it so well done Addy.
With conditions improving with the winds up around 12 /16 knots from the S/E we set the same course as the week before with two windward leewards two triangles and one windward leeward to finish , the only difference being that this week we had an outgoing tide ! So how did the start go well lets just say I called for the general recall flag at 30 seconds to go and yes we did use it as most of the fleet was way over , start two was much better behaved and everyone got away clean well except for Simone who snapped a vang fitting and had to return to the beach for quick repairs . The racing was looking good and with Charlie using my hull ( lighter ) he slowly came to grips with the extra performance and broke away and was matching the front runners speed well that is until he missed the hiking strap in a tack and had two swims . Matt did a Edwina and forgot to figure eight his main sheet so when he capsized it out she came so we had to hold his boat so he could re thread it .
Out front it was a three boat race between Greg , Peter and Tom with some tight mark roundings and some good covering with the end result being Tom first followed by Peter and then Greg . There was a couple of retirements with Maurie loosing it in a gybe and Matt pulling out with a lap to go after one too many capsizes .
Finally for the first time I can remember on handicap it was a tie between Casey and Tom who both ended up with the exact same times , and guess who has just brought a new radial sail so look out after youth week everyone she wants to go faster !
2019 MIDWINTER CUP ; Volunteers needed each day for on shore and on water help just let us know if you can spare some time
CU on the water
John Murphy