The clubs annual AGM ( annual general meeting ) is booked for Saturday the 3rd of June . If you are a full adult member and would like to listen as to how your club is progressing just let the club office no you would like to attend as we need numbers to make the meeting official , it normally takes about 1hr to complete the meeting then away we go for another year.
Mid Winter Cup
Our annual junior/youth sailing event has come around again and you will be able to register as from June 1 with the event scheduled for the weekend of the 24/25 then all we need is good weather and plenty of keen young sailors to come along and have some fun with great prizes including fun racing and competition . Our canteen will be open each day for great coffee and a barbeque so that means at least charlie will be there for the bacon and egg rolls !
8.30 am Sunday Juniors
With a few parents letting us know on saturday that would be sailing sunday including another first timer we we pulled out four boats including the taz as Harrison likes sailing it , we actually had more volunteers than sailors but that was ok as it makes up for the busy times . Tristan was again in charge of the briefing and did well as usual well maybe except for just a little trouble with marker buoys and wind direction . While on the subject of Tristan he took it upon himself to start a note system with the first booklet about the basics of the Tera and how to rig one so well done mate !
The winds were around 4 knots but unfortunately westerlies so you guessed it it kept coming and going and shifting direction like saturday ( adult learn to sail ) but everyone managed to generally find it and have some fun . Tristan even took a new sailor out and showed him the basics without capsizing but we did at least discuss what happens . Charlie had been watching Saraha and said that she sailed really well on the day so well done Saraha .
10.30 am Youth Training
Even with a couple of people missing we still had a good size group for 10.30 and yes a bit more wind but still westerly based . So how did they all go with the shifting conditions well from what I saw they all managed to cope much better than in past days where the winds were shifty and once we got a few people to sit forward ( Leila , Tristan ) everyone kept reasonable boat speed around the course . The more experienced sailors had to Gybe at one end which made it interesting amongst the boats that were tacking the same mark and I bet none of them even realised there were no collisions at red with half the fleet going one way while the rest the opposite . I did notice Hanna and Leila ( wetsuit 1/2 ) have improved their sailing and after some on shore instruction regarding tacking they were much improved so well done girls . Harrison is really coming to grips with both tacking and Gybing so to me he is definitely a potential champion sailor of the future and his super keenness doesnt hurt ! . While picking up the buoys at the end and it was accidental ! I accidentally poured water all over originally Taylahs feet but since there was no reaction I then accidentally moved up to her arms before she realised but it was ok because as usual she blamed Charlie ? and yes it was very funny .
1.30 Open Racing.
Well this was very different for a change and it had nothing to do with the weather , so what happened well I will admit it and it doesnt happen often a buggered up the course instructions on the white board. Everything started bad with nic going to the wrong mark to start so we had to wait for him to sail up to the start line at ephriam then once he arrived and the winds moving around still and the speed increasing to around 8 knots gusting we sent them south first and all was going well with steve in his new boat out in front and nic on his tail and they rounded A well ahead of the rest of the fleet and thats were my stuff up popped its head up ! So what did I do well I didnt put start B in which I aleays do and everyone thought they started A so they got confused and it even had charlie and I confused and scrambling for the course details as we were wondering
why everyone was we thought going the wrong way and not necessarily the same as the other competitors wrong way until finally we made the decision to shorten the race . Tom had given up as did Ben yes ben was back and the both shortcutted it between the islands . Well I suppose I should be allowed the occasional stuff up and to my defence I was moving house with my son until 10 pm and all I had for dinner was a cup of soup and toast !
Annual AGM for members saturday the 3rd of June
Mid Winter Cup 24-25 june registration opening soon
CU on the water
J Murphy