There has also been a change with our youth sailors in that as of july 7th they will now be racing every second and fourth sunday and training will be on the opposite sundays this way all the work they have put in early this year will now transfer to actual racing and yes it will be open to lasers ( 4.7 ) Optis and Sabots as well which should make it more interesting for everyone .
8.30 am Sunday Juniors
With the winds slowly building early in the morning it was looking like a good winds day and even sunny skies !
As usual hayden was first in which even though he is too early to start rigging he gets a chance to ask questions aas he is keen to move to 10.30 training and the way he is going he will soon be ther just have to stop facing backwards when tacking! . We had a couple of first timers as usual which Halle and Leila looked after and the tj and jack arrived to help with rigging the boats while charlie and I ran around lifting masts and boats . Charlie set a nice reaching course to suit the s/s/e wind which actually came in around 8 knots which was pretty solid for this group even Quinn had some dramas with the stronger winds mainly tacking but leila helped her through it . Halle and jack sailed with some new sailors while I did some training with tow boys as the tried sailing without help but didnt cope well some some tacking practice was needed in the shallows . I have to say it was just getting a bit chilly out there so Iam thinking its time for wetsuit pants just to stop the shivers , even quinn was shivering and she was wearing a wetsuit.
10.30 Youth Training / Racing
It was a perfect day for racing as it was the last sunday of the month and next month it will be the queensland open bic skiff states and then in july we start the new system of two race weekends and two training weekends as we think our group has absolutely gone forward in the sailing from the start of the year mainly thanks to their dedication and charlies hard work coaching
Unfortunately the winds had dropped from 8.30 class that was around 8knots to roughly 4 knots so you guessed it slow was the operative word . We set a triangle with the start/finish near the club and using the minion buoys for the rounding buoys we set a mark up at the canal and one over towards ephriam to make the triangle . Our new sailor in Max ( 4.7) had to do one extra lap but that didnt bother him . The start was good although charlie did do some yelling at some people who seemed to find the no sailing zone early but with some coaching they were soon all out there giving it a go . Of course the wind stopped then started again so nothing unusual which did favour max ( waterline length ) but Tristan who sailed brilliantly kept him honest yes a bic kept him honest well until the light breeze kicked in but still there was daylight behind Tristan then leila and halle , jack and TJ . It was actually a good race between halle and leila which in the end halle won as leila capsized but got her boat back up to finish third and yes you are right Halle finished 2nd first time ever so well done Tristan and Halle for really sailing the conditions well .
So where was Zach well he is training for the kokoda challenge but will be back next week , well done mate !
Queensland Open Bic Skiff state championships 28-30 june
cu on the water
J Murphy