THANK YOU ALL THE VOLUNTEERS | Hi Everyone, If you were looking for the newsletter last week there wasn’t one as besides things being quiet I was flat out with the BiC Cup. Never fear, there is heaps of news form this weekend. Open Bic Midwinter Cup was held, successfully, at PPSC from 28-30 June 2013. Before I start the story of the weekends events I would firstly like to thank the steering committee for their tireless work and also all those blue shirted volunteers who helped make the event run so smoothly. |

For the Gold fleet I can only heap praise on everyone from the kids from as far away as Tinaroo to the kids from Brisbane's Oxley sailing club and to our own local sailors who all competed in a friendly but competitive manner over the eight race series.

The tide played a big part with everyone with a lot of frustrated experts ( parents ) on the shore watching their children slide sideways both on the upwind and on the reaches across the channel.
Definitely more tide work needed there! I should also thank you all for being such good competitors in regards to penalties with nothing but praise from the on water Judges.
There was one moment that has stuck in my mind and that was the first race that one of our most inexperienced Bic sailors actually completed the course and crossed the finish line (great smile Sienna) but that is not taking anything away from the whole group who at times wanted to chuck the towel in but each time they turned around and gave it another go in the next race. Great work Mums and Dad's on the shore giving them some much positive encouragement.

In the last race the winds decided to play havoc with everyone, especially at the finish line with barely enough at times to make headway against the current.
If you are wondering: Gee how did I finally make it over the finish line?, it was the four crew on the finish boat who, I am sure were mentally pushing everyone's boat that last half a meter. There was even a report of one Dad who had to have a lay down on the floor of his boat when his son finally scraped over the line.

The adventure race consisted of a race to the sandbar in front of Paradise Point where any form of manual propulsion was allowed with a few people trying so hard that they capsized. Then we had Will and Tallia who thought that they would go faster if they jumped out the back of their boat and started kicking? That didn’t work either!
And to finally round everything off there was the freestyle race with some very interesting freestyle antics with people hanging upside down of the boom, hanging of masts, capsizing while both standing on the transom. Lets' not forget the costumes with wigs , tiara's and hoola skirts the norm. There was even a short Alice Cooper look a like whose wig was virtually down to his knee's. Very funny everyone.
CU on the water!
John Murphy
President/Sailing manager