Most Importantly we are running sailing camps for the kids over the school holidays so if your kids are keen to learn more check our website for camp dates .
8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
Each week this session attracts more new beginners from both our current junior sailors who invite their school friends along and from the club advertising which means we are averaging around 20 budding sailors keen to learn how to rig and sail their boats . Conditions over the last couple of weeks have been perfect and last Sunday was no exception with blue skies and light winds making it perfect for all our sailors . There was the odd capsize but generally everyone just cruised around the course and with the safety boat crews using their buckets to cool everyone down it was a fun morning but the funniest part by far was in the capsize session at the end where even the newbies just wanted to tip their boat over again and again . We did have a surprise new boat out their with Ava bringing her own boat down to give it its first try and after a few early swims she managed to finally get it sailing in the sunny and light conditions .
10.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
With the great weather now settling in with winds around 6/8 knots from the e/n/e it was perfect for this group of more advanced sailors to work on improving their skills . Their were a few early casualties with brother and sister colliding ( Abby and Ben ) resulting in Abbey pulling out with a head bump leaving just the boys out there cruising around the reaching course ( Addy out with the flu as well !) With Ollie adamant he wouldnt do triangles and Ben and Kaleb not really caring I managed to suck Ollie into triangles which until at the end I enlightened him that yes he was doing triangles had was having great fun sailing the course , then he just looked at and said really !!!you tricked me again !
Open Racing 1.30 pm;
With Trisha back from Sydney for a couple of weeks it was great to see her back on the water racing even if she was late for the start then again she would have been called back at start one as their was a general recall with five boats over by miles ( forgot about the incoming tide ! ) Start two was much more civilized with everyone heading off up the track in a good 12/14 knot breeze out of the e/n/e . Greg broke away early and even though Steve tried hard to stay with him he slowly created a gap and sailed a mistake free race to comr home first . The minor placings were hotly contested as well with roger and Simone plus caseyand Dallas having a real battle Casey emerged the winner by sailing faster on the downwinds must be all that weekday training Case ? With only a few races to go before the end of the year its the perfect time to chase for those club champoinship positions so the racing is very competitive and great to watch >
Upcoming ;
Sunday the 3rd of December Try Sailing Day
Sunday 10th December Club Xmas Party
Last Sunday sail for 2017 17th of december
CU on the water
John Murphy