8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
Sunday started well with warm water and light winds and with five new sailors included in our group of ten there was the usual chaos on the beach with people looking for a crew and boat but after some sorting everyone was off out the front and cruising around the reaching course in 6/10 knot n/w winds Addy and her crew had a bit of trouble as the conditions got windier and rougher as did a few of the Tera sailors with some capsizes and towing during the lesson . Our latest budding assistant instructors Abby and Ben Roake were in their element taking the new kids out for a sail but like everyone else they pulled the pin a bit early due to the ever increasing wind .
10.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
By 10.30 the conditions were really starting to get windier and choppier with the wind gusting around 15/17 knots . With only two sailors in Addy and Lewin willing to give the conditions a try and after a long discussion with me on how to sail the conditions we set them off out the front expecting some wild rides and the inevitable capsize . Lewin who has been away working sundays for the last couple of months was on the helm and Addy was crew and ballast? and after a bit of innitial hesitation they both really got into it with a lot of hiking out and absolutely screaming reaches which finally ended in a capsize when Lewin coming out of a tack missed the hiking strap and fell out backwards . All in all great sailing guys .
1.30 pm Open Racing ;
You guessed it conditions had really deteoriated