Conditions on the day were some of the worst I have seen in a while with wind gust recorded at the seaway of 38knots and above and waves over a metre high in front of the club . We did however get a couple of juniors turn up and were a bit shocked when we said no sailing apparently it wasnt that windy so they thought !!
We had to venture out at one stage to lay a mooring anchor for Public Nuisance just to keep the wind from pushing her onto the pontoon so thank you to Rod Casey Andrew Ben Abby Dallas and pete for helping organise this pretty dificult job .
There was also some talk of going out the front just to have some fun with speedy reaches but none of us could afford to braek anything so common sense prevailed ! still it would have been fun !
Upcoming :
2017 Try Sailing and Fundraiser for Gold Coast University Hospital : This is a great day to bring family and friends along and take them for a sale for only a minimum $2.00 gold coin donation to the hospital fish list fund .
It runs from 8.30 am until 1.30 pm and includes a jumping castle and sausage sizzle .
Club Christmas Party ; For the second year we will be holding this Event at the Paradise Point Bowls Club which will include barefoot bowls for the Kids and Adults .
To make a booking just check with the canteen staff or inquire at the office Adults $25.. Children under 12 $10.00