8.30 am Junior Sailing;
Summer is definitely coming with blue skies and warming temperatures greeting us on Sunday and a big group of regulars plus a couple of newbies soon out there rigging boats and talking sailing .
The weather was perfect with a light breeze out of the s/e at around 4 knots and an occassional burst of 6/7 knots so off we all went for a briefing just to sort everything out and organise crews which it seems nearly everyone had already done . The safety boat crew set a nice reaching course so everyone was soon on the water including abby who volunteered to take a new sailor out on the Tera and despite the usual reds knees when she returned ( tera hulls are rough ) and the fact she fell backwards out of the boat she said she had a great time . Brendan ( dean and jacks dad ) who has been helping me with club repairs lately did a great job with Tristan in improving his steering and he soon had him out amongst the fleet cruising around enjoying his sailing . all in all a good morning of sailing.
10.30 am Youth Training ;
After recent weeks with this group which included sailing in 20 plus knot winds and choppy seas Sunday was never going to be much of a challenge with winds swinging s/s/e at around 6 knots so rather than do triangles or race starts I decided to sned everyone south down to the canal ( upwind ) and then a leeward return but just to make it exciting we used the whistle gybing system where everytime they heard the whistle they had to gybe no matter where they were . This is a great training tool especially designed to make gybing less daunting as you dont have much time to think of it just do it . The upwind created the first challenge as it was dead upwind so a bit of a challenge mainly watching the luff but then everyone had to spin around and start gybing back to the club with an average of 12 gybes each leg . The best of the Bic sailors was Ross who kept nailing it and the best laser sailors was Abby , Dean in the tera is improving his upwind its all about watching the luff right dean! and his brother Jack just needs to not let go of the mainsheet in the gybes and Maddy in her bic mainly needs to waatch her luff as well . Where was Jade ? away camping but she is back on Sunday .
1.30 pm Open Racing ;
With only seven sailors signing on and it not being a club championship race everyone decided on two short races so Charlie and I set a triangle starting at the canal and set the A mark down towards runners and a third mark over on the ephriam side . Once we had been back to the club and briefed everyone we were soon headin fro the start line and wouldnt you know it some dude parked his yacht right next to our start buoy so it was a quick reset and we were soon into start countdown . Mat was doing a bit of sand bar detection after the one minute so he was a bit slow off the mark but everyone else was soon away and you guessed it the wind faded back to around 4/6 knots certainly different from the previous week of 30 plus . Greg slowly pulled away with Chris keeping him honest but our attention was on a couple of relative neebies Peter and Stewart who had there onw race all be it at the back of the field buy still fun . With the wind dropping out race two was just a short windward leeward so that everyone could get back and pack up by 4.30 pm all in all a great afternoon on the water.
Upcoming ; Club Christmas Party Sunday the 20th which is looking like being held at the club again this year as the general consensus is it was great last year so why not do it again . We will be looking for some help in setting it up on the day so if you can give a hand it would be greatly ap[preciated