We have a big weekend coming up this weekend with our annual Bunnings Sausage sizzle Fundraiser at our local Arundel store which if its anything like last year will be a big day for our fundraising efforts . Where does the money raised go ? well it goes to new PFD's and we are also looking at some extra helmets due to the increase in our Junior sailor numbers . We have created a roster for the day but if you cant spare some time why not drop down and catch up and buy a sausage maybe even a drink .
As you all probably realise there was not much sailing last Sunday due to the winds reaching over 35 knots by lunch time which forced the cancellation of both the 10.30 class and Open Racing but we did at least make a start on 8.30 class .
8.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
Sunday started with light winds from the west so we thought we would at least be able to run this class successfully especially since we had some of our keenest new sailors turning up at 8.15 am and signing on and straight outside looking for boats to rig which was a bit of an issue as Charlie , Casey and I had been taking our time setting so a bit of rushing around was in order . By the time the boats were rigged and the briefing done the winds had started to turn southerly at around 8/10 knots which was probably the strongest winds most of this current group had ever sailed in but we thought we should at least give them a try at the conditions . How did this go well lets just say that both safety boats were kept busy helping with capsized boats and people drifting into Public Nuisance and under the bridge right Daniel ! During all this activity you guessed it the winds really turned southerly and increased to around 15/17 knots so everything was put on the shore well except for Charlie who took a couple of keen sailors out for a blast in the laser radial I was actually keen to have a go but Charlie beat me too it and the best part was to see the smiles on the crews faces after Charlie had taken them for a fast ride across the Broadwater .
10.30 am Sunday Juniors ;
Well as you can guess by this time the winds had increased to twenty knots and with quite a few concerned faces from the group this session was cancelled as not only was it way past this groups wind limits but it was quite choppy as well so there was smiles all around but you know I think if I had said yes we go in close to the club they probably would have given it a try but there is always next week !
1.30 Open Racing;
With the winds by 11.30 reaching 33 knots at the seaway and after some discussion around should they go and chance breaking gear everyone decided that again there is always next week . We let everyone know but I think most people already knew the outcome by just looking at the weather updates . By 12.30 it was definitely over 30 knots and very choppy which made even getting the inflatables on their trailers difficult plus then we had to winch up Public Nuisance on her bridle as the winds were really buffeting her . Speaking of Public Nuisance and her aversion to low tides in the Broadwater we are looking at Saturday lunch time sailing in October as the tides are very favourable for sailing her . The plan is to if the winds are suitable sail her out the seaway into deep water where she can stretch her legs so yes we will be looking for experienced crew to come along so if anyone is keen let me know as we can comfortably take six crew , should be a great experience and fun !
Upcoming ;
November is Pan Pacific Masters Games and we are looking for some volunteers both weekends and week days to help man the safety boats so if you have the time just let us know at the sailing office no boat license is needed but is definitely an advantage and the duties are mainly fleet control so just making sure everyone has safety support on the water . The event is on from Friday the 2nd of November until Sunday the 11th of November not including Monday the 5th which is a rest day ( 9.00 AM UNTIL 4.00 PM )
CU on the water
John Murphy