We finally managed to have a Sunday without rain and wind speeds in excess of 30knots.
Our morning Juniors had a great sail with conditions perfect for the 7 year-olds to learn their steering skills. They were then able to venture out and sail around the buoys with the other, more experienced, kids.
Our second Junior session which includes Junior race practice was also well attended with 8 competitors on the water including a couple of newbies in Richard and Kayla. They both gave a good account of themselves against the more experienced kids. At times they reminded me of the Senior race fleet with boats running into sandbars, yelling rules at each other (pity they were the wrong rules) and confusion as to who has to give way. Yep, definitely sounds familiar .
Racing was held yesterday with winds from 7 to 16 knots which made it a fast race, especially for Chris Connell who established a healthy lead by the time he crossed the finish line (cant beat a full rig for speed).
A special thanks to Maurie's wife Trisha for organizing a barby after racing yesterday. It definitely hit the spot and its great to get together with everyone and have a chat and a few laughs.
We have to say good bye and safe trip to Maurie and Trish as they are heading off for three months to Brazil and Florida. Should be a great trip, lucky sods.
Oh, I nearly forgot: Trish said I had to remind everyone of Maurie's win a couple of weeks ago. So job done, have a great time guys !
We had great news last week with the club OK-ed by The Bic Association to hold a Regatta at the club from the 27th to the 30th of June. Please pencil the date in your diaries. |