Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone had a good long weekend despite the weather. It was certainly changeable conditions over the three days. I have upgraded my winter clothing by adding new wetsuit pants from Rubber Jungle as that wind was cold on wet legs lately. If you ever want a good deal on fitted wetsuits go and see Mark and mention the PPSClub and he will look after you.

I told them it wasn’t making any noise because the tank was full, so just needed to be used (?). Nice one guys I told you I wouldn’t forget it !!!
Junior Sailing We had three hardy young sailors in our first class which surprised Aidan and I as we thought due to the weather no one would come. Great work Dallas, Spencer and Coby and good sailing by all. We have also convinced another of the girl sailors to have a go at the BiC with Sienna flying around out there amongst the boys. I will never forget the look in your eyes, Sienna, the first time the BiC took off in a gust totally bugged out. Great work! Junior race training We are now BiC training on Saturdays with the Oxley sailing club to both help our guys and the Oxley kids hone their skills before the event. Conditions on the day were a bit testing with a few capsizes and some really good speed reaching (see pics in the GALERY) with George Morton and Tim from Oxley flying side by side back towards the club in approx 16 knots. It was great to watch boys. Sunday race training was as exciting with winds around 15 knots and everyone showing the speed increases gained over the last few weeks. We had very close racing including a few swims by everyone, which means everyone is trying hard to generate as much speed as possible. That, of course, results in the occasional case of the wobbles followed by a dunking. | Club Racing Club racing was a two race format on Sunday with both races kept to short courses due to wind speeds approaching thirty knots at time. Race one produced some wild bear away roundings at mark B with boats literally launching themselves down wind. Race two was set as one triangle only, again, due to very choppy conditions. The race competitors opted for this shortened course as conditions were really deteriorating. By the time they all got to the reach it was between 25 to 30 knots which made for a spectacular reach section. A special mention goes to the girls (Michelle and Trisha) who despite their smaller stature completed both races, especially Trisha, who to my knowledge, has never completed a race in such high winds before. Open Bic Midwinter cup update The midwinter cup is already receiving entries and the committee is turning into a well oiled machine with all aspects slowly coming together. The lease boats are also here thanks to Bevan from BiC who has loaned us six boats to train everyone. All that was needed was just a short drive to Sydney and back . The volunteer list is growing with over twenty people already submitting their forms with a few more still to come. Will we need that many? YES, as the event is huge. Don’t forget the Club clean up day on Sunday 23rd June from 10 am. * * * * * FYI Bunnings Barby raised $1019.90 for our Club. Thanks to all who attended! |